Love is the thing, beyond us in every way, impossible to grasp,
but known in the depths of our being,
revealed in the ever-creating glory of God.
A mystery we yearn to enter into
becoming one in wholeness.
"Abide in me and I in you for apart from me, you can do nothing."
Abiding is the inward journey of being and becoming,
of transforming, and manifesting.
Love is not what we gain, but what we become.
Love is who we are in Christ.
Love is our name.
Love expresses the creative life of God through us and among us.
Love is the cauldron of transformation
testing, and proving us like gold.
transforming us like a Phoenix
or a catterpillar into a butterfly.
When we manifest love,
we set the whole world afire
with abundant life,
Illuminating with the very revelation of unassailable light.
Love like a piercing lazier,
Cuts and cauterizes.
It heals and makes us whole
from the inside out
in a life of creating oneness.
In Christ, we are life-giving spirits,
breathing the living breath of God into this world.
It is no mere belief system.
This is the eternal life of God.
Working, flowing, and creating through us.
And now, May the quiet fire of God's love and compassion
arise in your heart.
May its flames of love, joy, and peace
enlighten the steps of your path in this world.
And may you be like the burning bush,
the presence of God for each other,
that holy healing light of love.
~ Bob Holmes #comeintothequiet