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The Art of Letting Go

Bob Holmes

Pulling out the chair Beneath your mind And watching you fall upon God ~ Hafiz Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future. ~Daphne Rose Kingma We’re all broken human beings, every single one of us. We’re all a mess. But God’s here to love us, to heal us, to transform us, and through us to become his presence, his hands, his heart, and voice. Awakened people awaken people. We become agents of change…of healing reconciliation. Our ability to choose is our ultimate power as human beings. We can choose or refuse Jesus at any time. But God is ever faithful, regardless of what we do. So be drawn by the gentleness of love.
And May God Bless you with his impossible grace!
~*~*~*~ The Art of Letting Go The art of letting go is allowing time fall down around you and being present. We think our control keeps us safe, but it actually keeps us bound. The truth is, our letting go allows God to hold us, to heal us, and to transform us. In surrender, our control falls apart into something greater, a larger grace, a boundless place where our hearts expand… Surrender leads us into what we can not fully fathom, hence what we can’t control. Surrender is our fall into sanity, to becoming whole and wise… bathing in grace. Letting go is allowing ourselves to fall apart into the wholeness of God…An art we engage in the moment we hit our knees, lifting our eyes, “letting go and letting God’ handle it. Letting go is like a trust fall into the arms of God. The art of letting go is a pilgrimage of the spirit where the suffering of our ego falls apart into the gratitude of our joy. Letting go is our deconstruction into wholeness. Letting go is where forgiveness breaks open the prison doors of our suffering into the freedom of God. Letting go is where resistance falls away into acceptance and grace and peace.
We let go so that we might become who we really are… our eternal self, our whole self, our true self, in Christ,
For you are the light of this world as you walk in your being born of the radiance of God once broken by the fall now born again, anew, from heaven Wholeness flows from our being fresh from the springs of God Joy is the strength of our heart the breath of your being the light of our eyes dancing in the wholeness of the Perichoresis So Drink Drink deep of the springs of heaven bursting in the fullness of joy
As we awaken in who we really are, our past, our present, and our future begin to converge into this present moment, this living present… Time falls away like mists in the wind, the veil of eternity dissolves where we walk with Godin the cool of the day.



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